Gary Greaves

  • gary [at]
  • SPMS-MAS-05-03
    Nanyang Technological University, 21 Nanyang Link, Singapore 637371

I am an Assistant Professor of the Division of Mathematical Sciences in the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Nanyang Technological University - NTU Singapore.

Job Opening
I am hiring a postdoctoral fellow. If you are interested to work with me, please get in touch.

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My main research interests are in algebraic graph theory, combinatorial design theory, and computational discrete mathematics.

Papers and preprints

Here is a list of my publications. Click to see the abstract.


Here is a list of some conferences and research visits.


Here is a list of selected recordings of talks and lectures.

Recorded talks

CodEx Seminar 06/07/2022: Hermitian matrices of roots of unity and their characteristic polynomials.
AGT Seminar 13/06/2022: Maximal cliques in strongly regular graphs.
CodEx Seminar 13/04/2021: Real equiangular lines in low dimensions.


Check out the Lecture Notes.

This webpage was written and maintained by Gary Royden Watson Greaves since 2016.